Searching by Traits and Observations
Use the Descriptors option on the main menu to search for accessions by their traits. The Public Website can display characteristic / evaluation data for any accessions whose observations have been recorded. While not all accessions will have been evaluated for certain characteristics, many are, and typically there are many observation records in a GRIN-Global database. Using the Descriptors option, you can find accessions by combining different criteria to fine tune your search results.
Follow three general steps:
Determine the Crop for a Species
In GRIN-Global, you can now determine the Crop easily on the same page when you know the species. A "Crop" in GG is simply a collection of species. To review observations for a species, you must select a crop; if that crop has observation data in the database, descriptors (traits) will be listed.
How Can You Determine the Crop for a Species? See Crop
Step 1: Select the Crop
Step 2: Select traits
Step 3: Choose values